Currently studying the merits of macro-evolution.

"The probability of linking together just one hundred amino acids to create one protein molecule by chance would be the same as a blindfolded man finding one marked grain of sand somewhere in the vastness of the Sahara Desert - and doing it not just once, but three different times. Sir Frederick Hoyle put it colorfully when he said that this scenario is about as likely as a tornado whirling through a junkyard and accidentally assembling a fully functional Boeing 747."

Stroebel, Lee, "Objection #3: Evolution Explains Away God," The Case for Faith (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2000), 143.

My mom came home yesterday. It is great.

The girls and I meet this afternoon for a little time with sweet Jesus. Fun.

Kaitlyn and I tickle the ivories every once in a while. Testing.

Tutoring for immigrants later this evening. Exciting.