Hello from the Land of the Morning Calm!

My dear friends! I have arrived in South Korea! I actually arrived on Sunday evening, but I haven't had internet access in my apartment so right now I'm at a PC room with dozens of teenage boys playing internet games! So funny.

It's been so humid here, but I've been told that it was worse right before I arrived here.

I went to the school on Monday to observe the classes that I'll be teaching. I'm teaching Kindergarteners in the morning and during the afternoon and evening I'll be teaching elementary school and junior high students.

The kids are so cute! They are so giggly! I've never envisioned myself as a teacher, but I think I'm beginning to like the concept. I've been to training the last few days at Sogang University. Spending time with other English teachers has been interesting. Many teachers have come from Canada, Ireland, England, and the States.

I'm currently living in a basement apartment (with no a/c--ugh!). I have two roommates. But, I will be moving soon to another apartment elsewhere in the city.

I start teaching on Wednesday! Wish me luck!


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