September 20, 2006
I've had a conversation partner for a couple of weeks now. I've been learning quite a bit. I've learned much about the language and the culture. I don't think Rachel or I thought we would have such great insight into each others' cultures while spending time with each other.
Tonight she said something that didn't really surprise me but helped me realize and reinvigorate my passion (one that has been so easily tossed aside and forgotten about in the midst of everyday hysteria).
We were discussing the word for "organization" and I meagerly tried to say that I wanted to work for an organization that focuses on international development. And I went further by saying that I might want to work for a government sector that dealt with humanitarian work and developed economies of developing nations. Rachel had the hardest time understading how the government and humanitarian work could correspond. She mentioned that here, many don't believe that the government has any role with humanitarian work. I think many (even outside of Korea) would have the same mindset.
I have been reading writings of Solomon the past few weeks and tonight I came across what wisdom encompasses - of course that's pretty much all of what Solomon writes of but I thought what he said was interesting/ironic in light of the earlier conversation: (this is wisdom speaking) "counsel and judgment are mine; I have understanding and power. By me kings reign and rulers make laws that are just; by me princes govern, and all nobles who rule on earth."
Sometimes its hard to believe that politicians and government officials are just. But, something I learned while I was in Washington this Spring was that there's hope. Of course not all people in government can be classified as having wisdom according to Solomon. But there are the few that seek justice and govern with genuine care for their people and humanity in general. And, their placement in the middle of scams, schemes, and scandals make all the difference.
It is my long hope that my own placement in the middle of scams, schemes, and scandals will eventually make some difference in the way many view justice and hope.
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