I never understood why people chose to concieve children that could become infestations of bacteria. But on Wednesdays when the week is getting rough and no relief seems to be apparent, I can understand why.
When I'm fed up with the cold, with the workplace, and monotony, I am continually surprised and amazed at the patience that my students have with me.
Oh so thankful and blessed.
This photo was taken after the girls and I learned about winter. In the winter, birds don't have food. So, we made bird feeders. Unfortunately, I guess magpies don't like butter rolls, peanut butter and bird seed. The girls were disappointed the first day after we had made these feeders. Then after the weekend, we went back on the roof and they were somewhat relieved that a small flake of Lisa's butter roll was missing (possibly from ripping off while placing fishing line through the roll - but the girls didn't know that).
Next time, I'll be a better teacher and do some research on what kind of food birds like. I thought all birds liked peanut butter.
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